Next Drop In Meditation night
Confirming there is no drop-in tonight, Tuesday 18th Jan 2022.
Our next scheduled drop-in is Tuesday 1st February 2022
The venue is:
Tuggeranong Business Centre,
12 Kett Street, Kambah.
It is the first building on your right after the speed hump and we are in the first room on your left as you enter.
Drop-ins run for an hour starting at 7.00pm prompt.
Please follow any current Covid19 safety protocols.
I will have copies of my new book
Healing The Mind That Can't Let Go
for sale on the night.
Free on-line meditation course
Deb and I are working on a free on-line meditation course based on the popular 6 week Meditation Made Easy course. It will be available through the Syandra website.
More details to follow.
Book Review
I received a review of my new book in the mail today.
It was quite unsolicited and perfectly captures much that is essential and unique to the story. The writer has given me permission to reproduce it below..
I hope you will indulge me:
Healing The Mind That Can’t Let Go
This is a very good book about a very important subject. The author is not a trained psychologist, but instead has a background in meditation and hypnosis. The book is about the true story of a man – referred to as “Darren” – who suffered for years with severe depression. The author was able to successfully treat Darren after a host of conventional methods by other practitioners had repeatedly failed.
This is due to the fact that Michael did not “treat” Darren in the normal sense of the term. He did not attempt to fix Darren, to heal him, or to straighten him out. Instead, his method is more properly described as one which awakened the natural self-healing and regenerating quality of the patient’s own unconscious mind.
Although the author did not use the term, for me it called to mind the Taoist idea of “Wu Wei”, or doing without doing. Michael “treated without treating”. The story of Darren’s experiences and recovery is interspersed with snippets of Michael’s own personal history and the exploration of relevant key concepts and theories such as the role of anxiety as a cause of depression, hyper-connectivity of the brain, and the importance of the right side of the brain for healthy functioning.
Overall it is a very readable and important book. Perhaps we don’t know as much as we think we do about mental health and how to treat depression and anxiety. At the same time, it is worth asking ourselves – ‘Just how many Darrens are there out there?’ With those two thoughts in mind, the implications of this book are very significant.
Lou Martiniello
Copies of the book can be ordered through my website
With love and kindness
Michael Masani